Accepted Applications

Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
newBookmarkLockedFalling Evelyn Turner
Evelyn Turner 1 130 by Albus Dumbledore
May 20, 2008 17:35:21 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Leo Agathon
Leo Agathon 1 127 by Albus Dumbledore
May 2, 2008 22:31:22 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Peter Pettigrew
Peter Pettigrew 1 194 by Remus Lupin
Apr 18, 2008 15:36:18 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Norah Lake
Norah Lake 1 103 by Isabella Rothschild
Apr 4, 2008 22:57:41 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Amy Icefire
Amy Icefire 1 97 by Albus Dumbledore
Mar 4, 2008 18:41:33 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Hallie Monroe
Hallie Monroe 1 146 by Angelique St. Clare
Feb 26, 2008 22:00:20 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Regina Curry
Regina Curry 1 93 by Isabella Rothschild
Feb 26, 2008 17:28:39 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Claire Weiss
Claire Weiss 1 105 by Isabella Rothschild
Feb 11, 2008 16:34:00 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Sir Edmund Fairfax
Edmund Fairfax 1 156 by Isabella Rothschild
Feb 9, 2008 1:09:06 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Sirius Black
Sirius Black 0 116 by Sirius Black
Jan 31, 2008 19:05:18 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Mr. James Potter
James Potter 1 175 by Matthew "Sully" Sullivan
Jan 31, 2008 17:14:21 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Kate Moore
Kate Moore 1 109 by Albus Dumbledore
Jan 7, 2008 16:49:50 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Yasmina Blake
Yasmina Blake 1 159 by Isabella Rothschild
Oct 22, 2007 18:29:55 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Dawn Meade
Dawn Meade 1 107 by Angelique St. Clare
Sept 10, 2007 20:50:57 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Robin Slater
Robin Slater 1 77 by Korbel
Sept 1, 2007 9:03:45 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Stephanie Sandifer
Stephanie Sandifer 1 133 by Albus Dumbledore
Aug 8, 2007 8:40:01 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Quinn
Quinn 1 129 by Albus Dumbledore
Jul 16, 2007 8:42:58 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Felicia Campbell
Felicia Campbell 1 145 by Albus Dumbledore
Jun 7, 2007 15:50:56 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Samuel Reid
Samuel Reid 1 94 by Angelique St. Clare
May 30, 2007 11:58:58 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Caleb Seishas
caleb 1 93 by Albus Dumbledore
May 7, 2007 13:06:13 GMT -5


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Albus Dumbledore: I don't think we've moved forward in time in a while Sept 17, 2019 9:39:02 GMT -5
Samantha Montgomery: I'm so confused with how old my characters are supposed to be now. Sept 16, 2019 21:50:03 GMT -5
Milo Chevalier: I still have to cook spaghetti for supper. lol Sept 16, 2019 15:27:04 GMT -5
Milo Chevalier: Today? Sleepy. I've been up since 2am. I'm ready to go home. haha Sept 16, 2019 15:26:47 GMT -5
Ricki Crawford: *anyway. LOLO Sept 16, 2019 15:22:16 GMT -5
Ricki Crawford: An away, how have you been? Sept 16, 2019 15:21:35 GMT -5
Albus Dumbledore: Whew! Got the board back to normal. The original background was in a different Photobucket account that I no longer have access to and it wasn't a paid account, so the image wouldn't show. Luckily I found a copy of the background on one of my files. Sept 16, 2019 15:01:18 GMT -5
Albus Dumbledore: I don't remember how to work the admin panel.\ Sept 16, 2019 14:17:06 GMT -5
Milo Chevalier: Aww :( Sept 16, 2019 14:13:03 GMT -5
Albus Dumbledore: Eh. I was laid off again. That's why I have more time. :/3 Sept 16, 2019 14:07:42 GMT -5
Milo Chevalier: How are you? Sept 16, 2019 14:04:45 GMT -5
Ricki Crawford: Hey, Rori! Sept 16, 2019 13:38:50 GMT -5
Milo Chevalier: This makes me happy! Sept 16, 2019 13:37:26 GMT -5
Albus Dumbledore: Well... I now may have a little more time on my hands... Sept 6, 2019 14:15:51 GMT -5
Milo Chevalier: I miss this place too! :( Aug 14, 2019 13:59:02 GMT -5
Albus Dumbledore: I miss UTNG. I should really try to start posting Jun 28, 2019 15:02:38 GMT -5
Milo Chevalier: Hey! Jun 7, 2019 12:59:08 GMT -5
Milo Chevalier: Anyone? Jan 22, 2019 13:48:06 GMT -5
Milo Chevalier: Hello people! Dec 14, 2018 14:49:46 GMT -5
Albus Dumbledore: Sorry, guys. Things have been crazy lately. I'll try to post tomorrow Jun 16, 2018 21:12:38 GMT -5
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